Reassigning Work Orders

Modified on Fri, 23 Jul 2021 at 11:52 AM

  1. Click Maintenance | Work Orders | Labor Scheduling 

  2. Click on the Assigned field to choose the user you wish to build for 

  3. Select the date you would like to assign it for by using the Scheduled Start field                      

    NOTE: The scheduled date cannot be before the current date

  1. Click Available Work

  2. Check the checkbox for Include Already Scheduled Work Orders 

  1.  Click the checkboxes to the left of the work orders to reschedule from one employee to another 

NOTE: You may use the text fields at the top to find the work orders that need to be rescheduled
  1. Click ADD 

  2. Close out the Available Work Orders screen by clicking Cancel

  3. The selected Work Orders will now be listed for the selected user for the selected calendar date.


You can also enter the estimated duration of the scheduled work orders by performing the following:


  1. Click the Hours column for a work order

  2. Enter the number of hours

  3. Press the tab key, or click elsewhere on the page to save the changes

  4. The estimated total scheduled hours for that day is shown in the Hours field as highlighted below:

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